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There is absolute joy in painting and I hope to share my bliss with you. Preferred Medium: Acrylic on canvas www.juliebagby.com |
Being an artist entails embracing the freedom to explore, experiment, and push boundaries, while being open to new ideas and inspiration. Preferred Medium: Fiber Art www.mbfiberandclay.com |
I am an ARTworkaholic. I'm a professional artist, author and artist life coach. I manage several creative businesses myself and help others do the same. Preferred Medium: Acrylic painting and mixed media sculpture www.janessabookout.com |
In my work I use different media and techniques to create a narrative of visual elements that interact within an imagined open space. https://www.fcampagnari.com/ |
Annie takes her inspiration from her background in science, thinking of the perpetual motion in space and of the mathematical concept of infinity. Preferred Medium: Watercolor on YUPO. acrylic on canvas www.annieclavel.com |
Most of my paintings are expressionistic-figures, landscapes, abstractions, and non-objective work. I also design landscapes. I enjoy a wide variety of people, especially art friends. Preferred Medium: Oil and Acrylic paint www.houzz.com/H2XeroLandscape |
Destructo’s work fuses iconic design sensibility, with street art attitude, and mixes the counter-cultural ethos of a lifetime of skateboarding with an appreciation for nature.
www.destructo.art |
Creating art is a predominant force in my life. My work is layered and dimensional and usually involves the human form and/or portrait. Preferred Medium: Mixed Media https://krisestenger.com |
I'm only looking to stretch my comfort zone. If my work is good or sells, that is a bonus. Preferred Medium: Acrylic on canvas painting www.abstractaddiction.com |
Vibrant oil paintings that celebrate the Southern California beach lifestyle. Preferred Medium: Oil www.joangladstone.com |
"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others". Photography unlocked a world of unique experiences which inspired me. www.aglobitsphotos.com |
Christie creates assemblages of barns, iconic Southern California landmarks and monochromatic abstractions, from recycled materials and also pen and ink pieces. Preferred Medium: Mixed media and Pen & Ink www.turtlerockartstudio.com |
I'm a local artist and recently started painting again. I recently wrote and illustrated a children's book, call "Goodnight Surf City." Preferred Medium: Watercolors www.goodnightsurfcity.com |
I repurpose scraps of fabric (leather, suede, denim, etc.) to create original artwork finished with second-hand frames. I repurpose scraps of fabric (leather, suede, denim, etc.) to create original artwork finished with second-hand frames. Preferred Medium: Fabric www.maednsupply.com |
"Working out the kinks from womb to tomb." Preferred Medium: Collage & Constructions dioramas www.firestartergraphics.com |
"My art is about color and having fun - stir in Huntington Beach and you really can make art happen!" www.surfcityartist.com |
Julie Leah is an artist and writer. She paints wearable abstract art on silk. She writes about art and the community for Eastside Living. Preferred Medium : Textile www.JulieLeahHart.com |
Albert is into Xiěyì / spontaneous-style and Lingnan style of Chinese Brush Painting which are more realistic, dynamic, bolder and livelier than a traditional brushstroke painting. Preferred Medium: Watercolor and Chinese ink on rice paper saatchiart.com/albertlibre |
MOIRA LUMPKIN "My paintings are inspired by visions of surf, sunsets and landscapes that guide my brush - images of nature, local landmarks, and places I've visited." Preferred Medium: Acrylic on canvas www.moirasart.com |
Perla is an Icelandic horse who given to a friend as a gift. She was sold a few times but miraculously was bought back home. Preferred Medium: Oil on canvas www.studio899art.com |
I am a landscape artist who specializes in "Destination Art". I utilize an impressionistic approach using photos that I have taken on various trips. Preferred Medium: Acrylic sherrymargerart.weebly.com |
CHANGE HAPPENS IN THE PRESENCE OF LOVE. The most important thing to remember is WE ARE THAT LOVE. Own your Magic. Preferred Medium: Watercolor www.printsmarin.com |
I LOVE painting fun, colorful abstract art where I express freedom and emotions with every stroke. My passions are art, travel, nature, photography and well-being. Preferred Medium: Acrylic www.crystalmcdonaldart.com |
My work is an exploration of the beauty of nature and moments in my everyday environment. Preferred Medium: Oil paint www.michaelamoffett.com |
If I can no longer create with tiny brushes and acrylics on canvas, I will do so bigly with mixed-media mosaics on repurposed surfboards! nadeanobrienmosaics.squarespace.com/ |
She is a permanent artist/co-owner of the oldest galleries in Laguna Beach, Quorum Gallery 374 N. Coast Hwy., artist in residence Crystal Cove Interpretive store Preferred Medium: Acrylic on canvas www.gailpoltorak.com |
It is in the process of mosaic that I find peace, purpose, and a way to say my truth out loud. -AMP Preferred Medium: Contemporary Mosaic Art www.annemarieprice.com |
I work a lot of mediums which allows me to express my emotions differently. Charcoal helps me get in touch with my more visceral side. www.reekersart.com |
Nadia has a strong passion for art that inspires others to embrace their inner child through a variety of expressive characters adventuring through life. www.patreon.com/NadiaRoldan |
I'm a multidisciplinary artist currently working with repurposed materials and glass. For four decades I've explored glass to achieve new approaches to this magical medium. Preferred Medium: Repurposed Glass and other Repurposed materials www.schriebersmith.com |
this painting in 4 x 8 ft acrylic on canvas called "The Well of Dreams" I like the concepts of fantasy realism Preferred medium: oil on canvas www.hughschonefineart.com |
Experimenting with photography since April 2023. I like contrast in light and contrasts in color. Preferred Medium: Photography www.bento.me/rajeevjs |
Photographs and digital collages of landscape, nature, and travel. Other techniques: applying metal leaf, oil mixed with cold wax, and/or pan pastel to my prints. Preferred Medium: Photography www.catherinesinger.com |
My goal is to connect with others through artful play & find joy and silliness in the everyday while growing and collaborating along the way! Preferred Medium: Ink and Watercolor www.heathersoodak.com |
I am a Contemporary Landscape Painter currently enrolled for my MFA focusing on beach and mountain landscapes using bright oil colors and bold brushstrokes. Preferred Medium: Oil www.caroltaylorwatercolors.com |
Painter, multi-media artist. Enjoy bringing pleasure to the viewer with bright, interacting colors through oil, acrylic, mosaic, sculpture and collage. www.susanturnerartist.com |
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Rita Albadran
Alexandria Allan Mary Amen Scott Angle Millie Arnold Sarah Arnold Janna Arutyunyan Dennis Asbury Roberta Averill bJulie Bagby
Marianna Baker Christine Baker Hailey Barnard Ulla Barr Elizabeth Basile Joyce Bell Freeman Virginia Billes Laura Black Janessa Bookout Rodabeh Boroumand Bridget Bourgon Kelly Bourquin Michelle Brenner Eric Broberg Rachel Bunteman Marka Burns Mic Burns CCarol Calkins
Federica Campagnari Teresa Carlisle Ali Carlton Elaine Carr Michele Caruso Gerald & Patricia Chapman Hannah Cherney Beth Chilcott Annie Clavel Dennis Crane Tina Cremer DMeg Dahlke
Judith Dan Margarita De Jesus Destructo Katherine Dittrick Kimberly Do June Dugmore ECraig Elliot
Jim Ellsberry Mark & Jean Erstling Barbara Esposito Kris Estenger FHelen Fallon
Kathleen Fenstermaker Douglas & Linda Flannery Kelly Frankiewicz Pam Free Mayee Futterman GJason Galeener
Ruth Geller Joan Gladstone Annette Globits Valerie & Tom Greeley Christie Grimstad Charlie Groh HToni Haas
Phil Hanks & Pearl Scott-Smith Matt Hanover Nicole Hansen Susan Hartman Jeanne Harvey Margaret Hayden Judith Hendler Marsha Hendler Sandra Henry Kate Hoffman Juanita Holley April Hoskins Shona Howe Ron Howlett Phil Hunter |
IChris Ingalls
jKevin Jacobs
Emily Jara Janet Johnson Marilyn Jonas KKerry Klaassen
Haruka Kanemura Denise Katzenberger Dan Kee Pati Kent Judith Knudsen Sally Kurtz LDiane Lamboley
Carol Langston Marie Lavallee Paula Lazicki Julie Leah Albert Libre Anthony Lobro Cheryl Loofbourrow Martha Lumia Moira Lumpkin MTeresa MacGregor
Rojean Maciula Dennis & Donna Maron Laurie Marshall Kacie Martinez Bonny May Dona McBride Sarah McCourt Carolyn McDemas Crystal Mcdonald Kathy McGuire Patricia McKenna Jan McKinnon Roxanne McMillen Roger Mendes Meda Menius Diane Merrill Dan Meylor Gabrielle Miller Renee Miller Michaela Moffett Vicki Morris Natalie Moser Melissa Murals NJenna Nason
Tina Newhard Charlton Norman ONadean O'Brien
Jennifer Ogden Janice Orr Cherylyn Owens PEnzo & Rebecca Palagyi
Morgan Palla Laurie Park John Peterson Dorothy Pham Elaine Pike Gail Poltorak Anne Marie Price QKaren Quane
RLara Ralston
Roger Reading Ronald Reekers Gabriel Remon Kristin Riegler James Bruce Robertson Jaz Roitzsch Nadia Roldan Joy Roth Kristin Russell SWalt & Mandy Sachwitz
Mo & Chia Huang Salama Cher Scarlett Terri Schetne Richard & Hedda Schnur Hugh Schone Nanci Schrieber-Smith Hannah Schwarz Elle Sell Lynn Semeta Rajeev Sepastian Laura Severson Sabrina Shelton Catherine W Singer Pam Smart Connie Smith Mario Solorzano Marin Somoano Rachel & Marco Somoano Heather Soodak Mimi Spencer Dorothy Spirus Mary St. John Tammy Stahl Dale Marie Stephens Susan Stone Gail Stoter Sam Stratton Kowan Studio Jennie Suhr Josh Sumner Kurt Suplee Viki Swartz Eammon Swiftfox TCarol Taylor
Amy Terranova Judy Todd Robert Tuell Susan Turner UVJoseph Van Hooten
Greg Van Krugel Steve Vasquez Maureen Vastardis WLarry Wallace
Tom Ward Evelyn & Bill Weisman Emma & Samuel Wellard Marinus Welman Ginger Weston Susan White Peggy Wiedemann Carrol Wolf Thom Wright Susan Wuerer XYOkhee Yoon
ZMark Zambrano
Gary Ziller Diana Zimmer |