current Exhibition
Image by Sonja Krastman
Inspired: the 6th Annual Artist Council Exhibition
November 16 – December 14, 2019 Exhibition and Event Dates Members & Patrons Preview: Saturday, November 16, 5:30 – 6:30pm Public Opening Reception: Saturday, November 16, 6:30 – 9pm Art for Lunch: Thursday, November 21, 11:30am – 1:30pm The 2019 Inspired exhibition is a juried presentation of original art. Participation is an exclusive benefit to HBAC Artist Council members. This anticipated event highlights all mediums of work including print, drawing and painting, sculpture, photography, and video installations. Artists are limited to two (2) entries of current work completed in the last two years for consideration. PROJECT ROOM POP-UP SHOP: SMALL WORKS Unique gifts, original jewelry, wearable art, mixed media, photography, works on paper and small canvases/panels at affordable prices. Join the Artist Council today to participate! |