Featuring work by: June Edmonds, Chuck Feesago, Nathan Patrick Hooker, Nicholette Kominos, Jacalyn Lopez Garcia, Jose Lozano, Katherine Ng, and Jamaal Hasef Tolbert.
Curated by: Eszter Delgado and Martin Betz
The exhibition presents a distinct group of artists, all from different backgrounds, who make work derived from the use of writing and, or text. The exhibition explores how artists using many different art forms such as drawings, painting, photography and electronic media conceptualize and reference in their work, writings and other textual material.
The exhibition goes deeper to explore how artists use text as a take off point to tell a story. As many artists are increasingly blending art, music, literature, philosophy politics and social agendas, the idea of text is used in many ways: as narrative, as statement, as sculpture, in literary and poetic ways, as audio and video and as the subject of artwork itself. Understanding that art is a universal language, the exhibit addresses the interrelationship between these artists and strives to highlight certain commonalities as well as differences in the work.
Curated by: Eszter Delgado and Martin Betz
The exhibition presents a distinct group of artists, all from different backgrounds, who make work derived from the use of writing and, or text. The exhibition explores how artists using many different art forms such as drawings, painting, photography and electronic media conceptualize and reference in their work, writings and other textual material.
The exhibition goes deeper to explore how artists use text as a take off point to tell a story. As many artists are increasingly blending art, music, literature, philosophy politics and social agendas, the idea of text is used in many ways: as narrative, as statement, as sculpture, in literary and poetic ways, as audio and video and as the subject of artwork itself. Understanding that art is a universal language, the exhibit addresses the interrelationship between these artists and strives to highlight certain commonalities as well as differences in the work.